- wholemeal
- хлеб из непросеянной муки
English-Russian dictionary of culinary. 2014.
English-Russian dictionary of culinary. 2014.
wholemeal — ► ADJECTIVE Brit. ▪ denoting flour or bread made from wholewheat, including the husk … English terms dictionary
wholemeal — [[t]ho͟ʊlmiːl[/t]] 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n Wholemeal flour is made from the complete grain of the wheat plant, including the outer part. Wholemeal bread or pasta is made from wholemeal flour. [BRIT] ...a slice of wholemeal toast. (in AM, use… … English dictionary
wholemeal — adj. Wholemeal is used with these nouns: ↑bread, ↑flour, ↑loaf, ↑pasta, ↑roll, ↑toast … Collocations dictionary
wholemeal — whole|meal [ˈhəulmi:l US ˈhoul ] adj BrE wholemeal flour or bread uses all of the grain, including the outer layer American Equivalent: whole wheat … Dictionary of contemporary English
wholemeal — adjective BrE wholemeal flour or bread uses all of the grain, including the outer layer; whole wheat AmE … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
wholemeal — UK [ˈhəʊlˌmiːl] / US [ˈhoʊlˌmɪl] adjective British wholemeal bread, flour, pasta etc contains all the wheat grain including the outer part … English dictionary
wholemeal — visų grūdo dalių produktai statusas Aprobuotas sritis duonos ir miltiniai gaminiai apibrėžtis Produktai, gaunami perdirbus (susmulkinus, sutrupinus, termiškai apdorojus) valytus sveikus grūdus. Juose yra visos grūdui būdingos sudedamosios dalys… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
wholemeal bread — noun Bread made from wholemeal flour, having had none of the bran or germ removed … Wiktionary
wholemeal — adjective Date: 1828 British whole wheat … New Collegiate Dictionary
wholemeal — /hohl meel /, adj. Brit. whole wheat. [1610 20; WHOLE + MEAL2] * * * … Universalium
wholemeal — adjective containing or made from the whole grain … Wiktionary